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ACES Academies Trust

Adventurers (Years 3 & 4)

Welcome to the Adventurers' Class Page

This is our Year 3 and Year 4 class.

Mrs Blake is the class teacher and is supported by Mrs Worrell, Mrs Button, Mrs Webb, Mrs Holt and Mrs Galpin

This year we are on cycle 2 of our curriculum. You can find all our curriculum newsletters at the bottom of the page. Further information about how subjects are taught at Spaldwick can be found under the curriculum tab.

Autumn 1

"That's all folks" is a thematic unit based on animation and the history of animation. In this theme, children will learn how animation developed over time, how pictures are put together to make an animation. They will look at key developments including the use of the computer in aiding the progression. Key animators will be looked at including Walt Disney and Nick Park (the creator of Wallace and Gromit).

Autumn 2

In Autumn 2 we have 2 short thematic units that have a specific focus on Geography and History.

"Three Giant Steps" has a geography focus. We will look at Canada, France and Dover. We will look at the key geographical features of these places and what links them to each other. The children will look at the human and physical aspects.

A Saxon King" has a history focus on 'Harold Godwinson'. They will learn about what it meant to be the last Anglo-Saxon king of England and how he became king. He is an important historical figure.

Spring 1

"A world of difference" has a key focus on different religions across the world. They will look at Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism. They will explore the different beliefs, festivals and holy books.

Spring 2

"Law and Order" looks at justice, citizenship and leadership. They will explore this through the understanding of the different systems across the world. They will develop their understanding of democracy by holding elections, voting and talking about rules.

Summer 1

"May the Force be with you" is a science-based unit with a key focus on forces. They will explore push and pull forces and gravity before focussing on magnets.

"Viking Warrior" is a history-based theme looking at the Viking 'sea lord' Ragnar Lothbrook. This is a legendary story from over 1,000 years ago.

Summer 2

"Under the Canopy" is a fabulous theme to end the year with. It has a history and geography focus looking at the rainforest. The children will learn about the history of Mayan culture, where there are rainforests in the world and the importance of its habitat for a vast range of animals and plants.


Our PE days are Wednesday and Friday. On both of our PE days, the children can come to school in their PE kits (trainers, house colour t-shirt, black shorts and a black jumper). 


For our homework, we expect the children to read 5 times a week. They will receive a Dojo point in their reading record for their house. They will also need to complete one session on Timetable Rockstars and Mathletics each week. Their logins will be in the front of their reading records. 

Spelling log books: Children will bring home a spelling log book at the beginning of the week. For each unit of work, the children will be given 6 new words to learn to spell (these are called red words). Any words that the children were unsuccessful with in the lesson will be written in the 'Speed Spell' section of their log books. These words can be practised at home so that when we do the 'end of unit quiz' (known as the jumping red words section) the children will hopefully be able to spell them correctly, and they can be stuck on the wall in our classroom! 

Times Tables Rock Stars (

Mathletics United Kingdom | Empowering Maths Learning Online (Updated after each unit has been taught in class)

Theme overviews: