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Why is Science important?

Science is an important and valued subject because it is highly relevant; an integral part of daily life, from cooking and checking the weather, to recycling and nature walks.

Through science, our lives are changed for the better. We believe all pupils should be taught about the role that science plays in positive advancements, as well as scientific knowledge, methods and processes.

Advances in science are continuing to transform our world at lightning speed and we need to do our best to prepare our children for their future that we can only imagine.

When is Science taught?

Science is taught through thematic units. The Satellite View (below) maps out which thematic units feature this subject and clearly shows the objectives taught.

How is Science taught?

Science is taught through working scientifically (involving practical investigation, observation and application skills, enquiry and research) alongside specific taught subject knowledge and vocabulary, which progresses through each year group. Learning takes place both inside and outside the classroom.

What do we learn about in Science?

‘Learning Means the World’ Curriculum

We learn about:

  • Plants
  • Animals, including humans
  • Materials
  • Seasonal changes
  • Living things and their habitats
  • Light and heat
  • Forces and magnets
  • Sound
  • Electricity
  • Earth and space
  • Evolution and inheritance
  • Movement

How do we assess and monitor Science?

Class teachers update an assessment grid after each theme (6 weeks) or each competency or essentials unit (3 weeks). This is used by class teachers to plan next steps. The science leader monitors this to identify areas of strengths and where development is required through school. The science leader then plans appropriate next steps, including CPD for staff, and uses the data to create the action plan.