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Phonics and Spelling

Pupils who struggle to read struggle in all subjects and the wonders of a knowledge-rich curriculum passes them by unread. (Nick Gibb, 2022)

At Spaldwick we do not want to see any child struggle or miss out on learning. We want to ensure children learn to read fluently and develop a passion for reading during their time in our school. To ensure we do this successfully we have chosen to use Read Write Inc. Read Write Inc. Phonics, developed by Ruth Miskin, is an exciting literacy programme designed to create fluent readers, confident speakers and willing writers. It covers phonics, reading, comprehension, writing and grammar.

Children in our school are assessed regularly to ensure they receive teaching at their ‘Goldilocks spot’. This is learning that is just right for them. We teach the children the sounds and build on this learning every lesson until they are reading stories fluently.

The programme follows the same structure every lesson to ensure children know the routines and can focus their thinking on developing their reading knowledge and skills. Children will read the same stories at least three times to ensure they can; read the text, understand it and read with fluency and expression. We make no apologies for the repetitive nature of this programme and ask that you to support us and trust the process as we have seen fantastic results.

For information and tutorials on how to support your child learning to read go to:

Please watch this video to ensure you say the sounds correctly when supporting your child at home:

Read Write Inc. Spelling is used for our children in Years 2 to 6. It embeds impressive skills in just 15 minutes a day, quickly and effectively filling the gaps in children’s knowledge. To keep children engaged, aliens introduce spelling rules on an exciting online spelling planet and children complete quick-fire activities in their spelling logs. Progress is accurately recorded using practice tests and teachers learn how to move children on quickly.

For more information on Read Write Inc. Spelling go to:

We are proud to share that Spaldwick Pimary School is an accredited Read Write Inc school and all staff have been fully trained.