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Spaldwick Primary School was visited by Ofsted in May 2017 where we successfully maintained our inspection rating of "Good". The inspector noted the following items:

The school is a vibrant, happy place. Your vision that ‘every day is a chance to learn and succeed’, permeates the school, and is seen in the various displays of pupils’ work across the curriculum.

You have created a very positive culture in the school that is appreciated by governors, staff, pupils and parents.

One parent stated that the school, ‘fosters an interest in and love of learning’, while another commented that pupils, ‘have developed and grown, and are loving the Spaldwick journey they are on’.

Safeguarding and the welfare of pupils are of the utmost importance to all staff members and governors at your school. You have successfully created a safe and caring environment in which staff and pupils look out for each other.

Our full Ofsted record, reports and monitoring visits can be found here: Spaldwick Primary School Ofsted