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British Values

Spaldwick Community Primary School is committed to serving our community and surrounding areas.

We recognise the multi-faith nature of Cambridgeshire and the United Kingdom and the critical role our school plays in promoting these fundamental British Values.

We encourage admissions of all entitles to education under British law, regardless of faith, ethnicity, gender, sexual identity, political or financial status

We aim to provide an outstanding environment in which every child can learn and succeed.


Our pupils are involved in democratic processes that occur within our school life, eg applying for pupils posts, contributing to pupil voice surveys. Our pupil employment project sees many pupils carrying out roles of responsibility, eg house captains, lunch assistants, librarians, office support assistants. Our parents/carers are encouraged to share their views through Parent View and surveys completed throughout the year

Individual Liberty 

At Spaldwick school we educate and provide boundaries within which children are actively encourages to make safe and responsible choices within a supportive environment. Our pupils are taught how to conduct themselves safely when using the internet.

The Rule of Law

At Spaldwick school we have a clearly structured behaviour policy, online safety policy, anti-bullying policy, equalities policy and child protection policy which all stakeholders understand and follow.  Classroom learning and whole school assemblies are delivered with a focus on the law, for example online safety, class rules for learning and behaviour. Whole school assemblies provide an opportunity to demonstrate examples of this through work sharing and certificates of achievement.

Mutual Respect

Our PSHE curriculum and our school Key Values embodies the value of mutual respect. For example learning for all, through our broad and balanced curriculum. Team approach to learning through sporting events, class groupings. Our school stakeholders also demonstrate this through their working together and support for each other, for example school staff co-operation, links with FoSS, school catchment villages and Community links.

Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs 

Our RE curriculum provides a broad and balanced education about a range of faiths, religions and cultures. Our pupils are encourages to reflect on their own beliefs and those of others in a respectful way through a range of learning experiences. For examples, visitors, pupil discussions, visits to local church, Celebration Assembly. Though assemblies, and learning experiences, our pupils develop an understanding of a range of cultures to help them prepare for life in modern Britain.